Friday, December 14, 2007


琴日返到屋企,坐左成一日一夜既機,成個人都散晒。。。但系都算系終于都返到來啦。。但系系呢兩日,我竟然發覺,我唔系甘習慣呢度!!!唔但只系周圍既環境,人,仲有呢度D廣東話口音。但系我明明系度長大既wo...睇怕我真系需要D時間。而且我返到來,我並無想象中甘開心,反而仲好想返返去 Auckland,我知我好‘奇怪’,但系連我自己都晤知點解。。。算吧啦。。。慢慢繼續適應落去啦。。。唔通第日晤返來啊?

Monday, December 10, 2007

the really end of everything

Just can't imagine I have been here almost one year, from nothing to everything, in the previous 3 weeks, I was working as a fruit picker, got some money and traveled around alone, it was so much fun, can't post it now because still haven't got all the pictures.

Things I have done here but never in Malaysia
1. Talk to strangers
2. Sleep in backpacker with other strangers
3. Traveling alone
4. Study so hard
5. Cooking

People I have met here(I think besides than Africa, almost I have met most the people from each of country in the earth). Best friends

I don't know what can I say, just have changed alot, I think even I myself. Friends said I have changed, characteristics, hopefully is positive one. No matter is happy, or not that happen in this year here, I will also cherish everyone of them, because they are my memory, my everything, which brings me become more mature, or my experience, from one stage to another. Looking forward my coming years here. Even though I will still be here next year, but everything keeps changing, and never stop. Really hope that the good one will wait for me there. Miss u guys, see u, bye...