Wednesday, June 27, 2007

My Uni - UoA(University of Auckland)

I said before that I will post my uni pictures here, even though all these are not taken by me, but my friend in his blog, so I just copy over here, hahaha..... Lazy ar...
City Campus
This is Tamaki Campus

Some nice days outside my window

Tomorrow will be going to travel, gonna prepare now, hehe...

Monday, June 25, 2007

Poker, Mahjong, Seven Level Pigs, Cho Big D.....

Finally I have finished my exam and be free now!!!! However, I dont think that I have been doing well in my exam, haiz...... Anyway, last 2 days, we went to Cherry's room to play cards, pokers, seven level pigs until about 3 or 5am!!! It was so much fun and it will be one of the happiest moment since I am being here, no stress, only fun and laugh, so nicE!!!! Besides that, I prove that my mahjong is that bad, hahaha....Then, we play a game called seven level pigs, luckily I was only 4 level, not a pig yet.. hehe... finally, we play something that going to punish whoever has got the smallest number of card, our punishment is so damn cruel, such as rolling on the corridor, wash the leg with water in closestool, eat or drink something that is very disgusting such as beer+tomato sauce, peer+soya sauce, soya sauce+beer, vodka+chips, etc. Luckily I only lost once and have the beer+tomato sauce. The big loser on that night was Mila, her stomach was a rubbish bin, contained more than 10 ingredients, haha....
It was so much fun this few nights and we are planning to go to Waitomo, Taupo and Rotorua as 3 days trips. Each of us is responsible for 1 session, and I am responsible for the activities in Waitomo and the hostel as well, hopefully we will have an enjoyable moment over there. Because after this, some are gonna leave, graduated, back to Hong KOng, etc. Gotta sleep early today because have to play squash tomorrow with Jason, haha... let me mok his teeth la.... wakaka

Sunday, June 17, 2007


Ah Chin: 甘犀利?我都估唔到以你D廣東話程度都睇得明,抵鼓掌俾你既!!!

原本宜家考跟試,我系唔應該甘無聊寫blog既,之不過今日個人好hea,,又系唔想做任何野既一日。你估我想ga?鬼叫呢幾日D天氣甘攏命,尋晚得 7C,宜家仲衰,得6C,掂忍啊?我雖然都唔系話甘怕凍,但是宜家緊張時期,甘凍既天氣好容易令人冬眠ga ma.. 個天真系唔識do...好彩呢幾日都無考試,甘就唔需要出街...hehe...不過其實le..過左呢幾日,我發覺我間hall D人好多都系超勤力,到夜晚兩三點,我floor仲有好多人出出入入,煲水啦。。煮面啦。。尋晚我4點先訓,點知隔離果個韓國妹仲溫跟書,我結果都系認輸 啦...搵周公吹水....不過其實我淨系溫都2點,之後就同朋友chat MSN, hahaha...可能因為呢度好多人讀science呱,所以勁勤力...不過其實呢度讀書系唔容易ga,我朋友話呢度易入難出,因為你每完成一個 sem,就要入一個更難既sem,你一上唔到,就回好殘忍甘俾人fault出來,所以班裏邊D人一年少過一年,自己就會發覺自己一年蠢過一年,因為已經再 無人墊你底,真系好殘忍ga!!!反而香港就難入易出,因為入得去既都會系精英,唔需要fault人出來。hehe...反而馬來西亞政府大學我唔系甘清 楚,不過應該系同香港甘上下呱,都系亞洲國家。另外,其實呢度讀書要非常獨立,lecture裏邊幾百個人,就算你唔去成個sem都未必有人覺,難聽D廣 句,多你一個唔多,少你一個唔少。tutorial多數又系唔點名,不過至少你會學到多D野囉,對於我黎廣。考試到啦,又無tips,大把野要溫,想睇下 考試既format,果 D pass year paper,又要自己上網download。終于downlaod左啦...點知無答案既,又要我另外抽 D 時間慢慢搵書,我明白佢要我地自己搵答案,但系唔系每一個人都適合呢一種學習方式,我就唔岩啦...我既property算系我呢個sem最麻煩ga la...果本 course book 水蛇春甘長,又大把我唔知佢up mud既野,再加上成籮D lan pro 既字,最衰既系果個成日自己廣,自己笑既低B lecturer,搞到我地成班猛甘滴汗,=.=",結果搞到我要自己搵notes,再睇完本水蛇春,跟住再summarize先之可以開始溫, haiz.....見到佢真系想鬧佢,頂你既肺,knock your lung!!不過我估我廣完之後,佢會mak大個口望著我,跟住又會好低能甘繼續笑...haiz....真系吹佢唔脹....結果宜家本 property notes仍然系面前,無計啦...呻完,都系要繼續溫....所以le,我唔廣啦,費事個低能佬多多野廣....早抖....

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


哇.... 第一次嘗試用廣東話打blog,睇下work唔work...真無聊,我竟然系一日之內打兩次blogger,無野做gua...其實都唔系 既,只不過是岩岩考完一科,成個人散晒,所以搵個藉口偷下懶lo....原本想溫下書,結果就hea左成晚。聽日一定要勤力D先得。尋晚4.30am先之 訓,然之後6.30am又起身繼續,鬼佬Ah Matt見到我,話我既樣好殘,梗系啦...
跟住就hea hea 聲去考試。呢度既考試方式有D特別,考場地點會系前一晚先之公佈,勁搞笑,聽廣系因為驚有D人打電話話有bomb fake wo...鬼佬地方就系鬼佬地方,你估唔都既事大把...然之後系考場裡邊,多數都系一D阿婆或者阿伯做監考,唔知點解,我反而由D好warm既感覺。同 埋裡邊服務周到,口渴有人遞水,傷風有tissue, 喉嚨痛有喉糖,就算你唔記得帶計算機都會有人幫你借番來,簡直是五星級既服務....不過其實壓力都 幾大,裡邊勁多人,睇落個個都好似好勁甘,真系俾佢地拋都...
點都好,仲算又過左一關,第三科系下個禮拜一,應該都ok gua..唔好又甘閔就得啦..真系好想一考完之後,就同阿fanny wafa佢地落pub,仲有系唱k蒲通宵,正啊!!!! 唉呀....咪想甘多啦,考完試之算啦...不過總覺得時間過得超快,唔經唔覺已經過左來紐西蘭甘耐,有D佩服自己,至少我肯定比以前獨立左啦...唔廣 啦,要訓啦,聽日要繼續溫書,加油!!努力!!仲有啊...邊個睇唔明中文既就問人啦...我話跟你啊,Amos,快D去問Shanna啦.....Hahaha....早抖.......ZzZZZzzzzzzzzzzz

Monday, June 11, 2007


I am so busy now because of the exam week, it is very stressful because everyone in the uni is working so hard, and make me feel like wanna work so hard as well. I have to actually, because this is my first ever uni exam, there is so much different and I don't really get used to it, uncountable stuffs u have to know, but it doesnt appear in the book, which means there is something else they expect u to know but u have to search by yourself. slept at 4.30 last night and got up at 6.30am and then went for exam, just got back from it. Birds here get started singing very early, 3.30am, make me feel sleepy that moment. ZZzzzzzz.........

Anyway, last 2 weeks went to sing K finally!!!!! Kkk.....KkKkk....K..... with my 2 HK friend, Cherry and Ah Mo. Then, at night go to her homestay and stay 1 night, finally has a chance to go to the white people house, it is so nice, and my friend's housepa and housemum so friendly. They even ask me to stay there and I might consider about it.
like a Greek House, so nice!!! and all the houses here just like resort, so not malaysia, haha

We went to One Tree Hill have a stroll, it is famous place here because also a volcano, but is dead, so many volcanoes here. So funny the name,like the what drama One Tree Hill.
Issac, Cherry and Ah Mo

Then we went to yum cha in the next days' morning. Yum cha here is different because follow the hk style, which means go to eat dim sum, but for malaysians yum cha is going to mamak stall blow water. So nice the dim sum and not that expensive as well, about $10.
Nice le.. the taste is so damn good, so hk feel, erm.... almost similar with malaysian dim sum, haiya... as long as nice then ok la... gotta go to study lo... O Yeah, click this, u will underdstand why i love tennis. ELENA DEMENTIEVA!!! I LOVE HER I love Russian players
Ana Ivanovic, Daniela Hantuchova, Maria Sharapova, Elena Dementieva Maria Kirilenko Maria Sharapova Daniela Hantuchova