Saturday, April 26, 2008

Recent Issac

Is 4am now, just suddenly feel like wanna write something... Let's talk about anything which happens on me recently..
First of all, as I said, I have changed my courses to Geography and sociology, I know that's kinda weird, heaps of people said that. But I think just do something which is interesting will be fine. For Geography, my specific courses will be natural environment and environmental science. Therefore, I will have several field trips to go and do reports something like that, that's sounds hard eh? That's cool though, I like it...And we just went to a field trip last 2 weeks, lazy to post the pics here, have posted them up in facebook.. For Sociology, is actually a study about our social life, almost everything, music, media, culture, etc..Besides that, I am busy in uni now, not only because of the HKSS, but I am also one of the representative of my school(School of Geography, Environmental Science and Geology), therefore sometimes need to go and attend some meetings. Not only that, I am in an election for my AUSA committee!!! AUSA(Auckland University Student Association) is a society for all the Auckland Uni students, it is just like a party for students, always voice everything out on behalf of all the students, doing policies. And there are always heaps of people fight so hard for the positions here, just like a political life, I am sure every Uni got one. Therefore, I am now in an election for one of the committee position, my profile and statements will be published in my Uni magazine, so everyone can see it and vote me next week!!!! And I also need to go out to talk and get people to support me(la piao)!!!Haha... I am so excited and kinda nervous now.. However, that's really fun, you know, can do something new in Uni is always amazing, and supported by my lecturers for this election... YEAH!!!!
My social life? SInce I have moved out here, I am having so much fun all the time... I mean before when I was in hall, they have arranged activities for us every week. Now? need to find by myself, I mean every week will now go for a drink with friends, parties(my favourite haha) sing K, or have some dinners, Friday night is always what I am waiting for in every week. Like yesterday night, I went for dinner with my flatmates, for Middle East food, that was so yum but just the proportion was like.... kids meal. But they were just full, and they know I didn't. I just don't understand, why they eat so little but can be this tall, but I eat heaps still look like a kid, UNFAIR!!! Btw, they are cool people, as Emma(1 of my flatmate) said, we are happy shinny people, always having happy shinny lives.. Yeah.. they are, and so am I..
Have been moving out so far, everything is cool, I mean sometimes of coz you will feel like lonely because not that many people live with you, and my flatmates are usually quite busy, but being 'quiet' at certain moment is cool, cool you down, think something, do your works.. Now, Issac is a whole brand new Issac, more capable, even more outgoing, I think.. haha... let me be a KA, just figure out by yourself what it means.. nitez.. oh yeah, people who are reading this, mind to leave me your address? I mean like Meilee, or people who I dont have, feel like wanna send you guys something.. haha

Friday, April 18, 2008



身為二十世紀的大學生,恐怕再也沒有多少個書呆子,光看書而不參與任何社交圈子了,因為這個社會更要求學生們能做個“全能新鮮人”,以配合這個世代一日千里 的步伐。其實,更正確的應該是學生們多了分活躍與好動(只不過是好玩,懶散的代名詞)。根據大學的一分調查顯示,高達85%的學生都是“臨時抱佛腳”(你 包括在內嗎?),這可能也是現時大學生的代言詞吧!

大學生,就是忙著搞學生會,參與學校的活動,擴大社交圈子。從這裡,學生可以自由發揮,無論是搞創作、外交、甚至是電臺廣播人,只要你有誠意與熱情,無數 的機會就等待著你。每當奧大新學期的適應周,就有著不少學生參與這一項活動,帶領新學生,加入大學這一個既新奇,卻又陌生的大家庭。幾乎每一天,都有著不 同的節目在學校的學生廣場舉辦著,演奏會,歌唱表演,就連赤裸裸的喝酒比賽也有,老外所辦的活動,就是令人大開眼界。當然,還有那些一年一度的周年晚會,不管是男生或女生,都會把自己最耀眼的一面呈現在他人面前,要別人對你刮目相看,做個有魅力的大學生。


大學生不就是年輕人啊!總會做一些無聊、荒唐而有難忘的事情。閒逛、吃飯、看電影樣樣不能缺。瘋狂的玩意兒,什麼秘密情人、化裝誤會、暗殺者,這一些既另 你感到興奮且難忘的遊戲永遠都會留在你的腦海里。除此以外,恐怕你也嘗試過三更半夜到沙灘、機場或山上看夜景,吃宵夜,和知己度過最美好的一天。這就是年 輕的大學生,青春就是本錢,再瘋狂的事也會去做。.

大學生,就永遠也離不開喝酒、跳舞與派隊。不過,這恐怕是屬於較”老外“的娛樂,因為老外的文化就是無酒不歡,每天在學校與朋友來一瓶啤酒就是聚會,每個 星期去酒吧就是一種消遣,勁歌熱舞就是放鬆,這就是老外。反之,亞洲人去酒吧喝酒,就會給人一個”懷孩子“的映像,甚至會被稱為自甘墮落,自毀前程,好像 被判了死刑似的。因為這不是亞洲人的文化,亞洲人一般只回去茶座或咖啡館,和朋友聊上好幾個小時。雖然是不同的文化,但大家都是手捧飲料,和好友暢談。




Have a long long time didnt post anything here. This is an article I have written and gonna be published in HKSS newsletter, are you doing like what I am saying above? hehe....