Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Exam day

Finally, can take a break, just 'a' break, no more than that. I am in exam period now, it is so so so stressful. I have only been sleeping about 6 hours everyday, and last 2 days were only 8 hours in total. It sounds crazy eh? I know, I am very tired, but no choice, study.... I usually study in uni in recent days. Early morning when I went to IC(quiet study space), FULL! Then I went to get a seat in the library(the view from the top few level is really nice, can see the whole Park, can really make me relax, But when I came back after lunch and got a book, the library was FULL!!(there are about a few thousands seats in the library, crazy eh?) At night about 9pm, I went back to the uni again to get overnight loan, tried to get a seat to have a look with the book, IC FULL AGAIN!!! OMG!! The uni now is just like a battlefield, everyone is fighting for it, to get an outstanding result. You will find everyone is holding a book.. Nothing is other than that... Also that word, studying in uni is never an easy task...

At night during the dinner, somebody said something which is so mean, I am not gonna say it out. But I will say "窮,又如何?最重要系窮得有志氣,就算系抹杯都系自食其力...無學識,唔緊要,最重要系自己相信自己,努力上進, 哪怕無出頭既一日?", this is my response... I know there will be a such day in my future.. Well, at least I know I will fight for it..

Then back to my room, finally have some time to take a break, surfing the net, and watching something. I have a really long time didnt do these things.. I watched a cartoon called 'Anastasia', sounds weird eh? Because I never watch any cartoon when I was a child, all were only about TVB, thats the reason my Cantonese is such fluent, haha... my friends said so. Because I found that sometimes cartoon can be interesting, even though the story is always the similar, for this one, it is a story of Russian Royal, it is awesome, and really have attracted my impressiveness for Russian, one of my favorite country, mystery with those candy palace(Kremlin). Anyway, hopefully for the following exams will be even better, and also good luck for all those who are having exams right now, even u guys in Hk, though now is now u guys exam.... bb

Monday, October 15, 2007

FInal day of work and property assignment

Saturday, went to do property assignment with my classmate, just require us to take pictures of some construction materials or some architectures. These are my results...

Take with me or my ID because to verify we have participated wo... so stupid...
Finally, it was my final day of work, weather is so good surprisingly, but so windy! Some pics on my way to work, some are on my way to do my assignment

Thursday, October 11, 2007

在New Zealand 生活里開心既一日

雖然今日天氣唔系幾好,做assignment亦唔系甘順利,但系我好開心。夜晚返工,間野反常既平靜,我終于有得hea la...哈哈。。。有幾個好人D既知道我就來要走,greet左我幾句。話知佢系真心,定系假意啦,總言之,有得走,就ok la..其實有時呢度返工有D唔開心,所以都系我其中一個要走既原因...跟住就一個人行返返來,竟然系條街度見到hall既鬼佬,仲專登停低部車車埋我,一上車就即刻落雨,跟住我地就有講有笑,原來佢地去機場車一個朋友聽日去聽linkin Park Concert,我都好想去啊!!不過無錢。點都好啦,雖然好小既一件事,但已經令我好開心,我真系覺得,紐西蘭D鬼佬好熱情,而我呢個亞洲來既,D英文岩岩夠湊成一句既黃毛豆丁(其實我都唔小,只不過我睇落只得15歲,鬼佬講既),仍然可以同佢地玩埋一堆,連我都覺得不可思議,而又好warm..
考完試之後,我將會有一連串既豐富節目,豐富都連我自己都覺得驚人,但系我一定會好enjoy果D生活,因為未算落實,所以暫時仲唔可以話俾你知,但系如果Cherry你想知既,MSN度問我啦...要繼續做我份assignment la..早抖