Sunday, January 28, 2007


第一次以华语写blog, 其实也挺好的,因为中文始终和我比较亲切。很久没写blog了,因为真的没好事,坏消息一箩箩,费事写出来丢人现眼。不知道为什么,最近总觉得很不对劲,就是诸事不顺。最近我真得很烦,还不是因为出国念书的事,因为visa的程序出了问题,而我也必须等上一段时间,就连我自己也不懂什么时候我才可以离开这里,而我本身也作出了最坏的打算,不过如果毫无意外的话,我还可以在16-22号这段时间离开。我真的为了这事烦了很久,不过凡是也要往好那方面想,可能是让我有更多的时间留在这,陪伴身边那些挂念我的人。无论如何都好,我也捱了那么久,绝对不会为了这而放弃,因为我曾经想过不去外国的念头,真的花了家里很多钱,心里很过意不去,好像很衰!但没办法,到了这个地步,唯有硬着头皮撑下去,最多勤力些,考取奖学金吧!其实不只是我,发觉身边很多人都有很多烦恼,过日子过得很不开心。有一些真的为了一些重要的大事而烦恼,但也有一些只不过为了儿女私情,或一些芝麻绿豆的小事而伤脑筋,真的不知对这些人该说什么好,自求多福吧!不过,人长大了, 就真得比小时候的烦恼多很多,怪不得小时常听大人说,还是当小孩好,现在才明白这个道理。但是,人最终还会长大,与其一天到晚缅怀小时的情景,倒不如花这些时间解决眼前的问题,不是更实际吗?错过了现在,以后后悔也没用, 把握现在,未为晚也。说了很多好像很感性的话,不大像我吧!我看我也要换一换风格,不做爆笑天王,改做忧郁王子,可能会更有魅力,吸引更多男男女女迷恋我,哈哈哈哈!!!怎样都好,希望看过这的人,要好好把握现在的事,生活,或是身边的人,不要等到失去了才来懊悔。写完了只有一个感受,我中文没有退步!!!哈哈, 凌晨五点钟,仁然毫无睡意,继续看TVB连续剧吧!唔广咯…bye……..

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Bad Luck + Pre-depature Session

Haiz.... really don't know why, so bad luck recently, met accident, sommore gotta lost my hp. Haiz.... Don't talk about it, make me sad only....Sigh
Today I went to the pre-depature briefing session, is just a talk for us who will be leaving to Auckland(the city name that I will be going to, I think not many of you know that) soon, but most of the time just talk about the activities there. It seems great!!! because my school is really near with beach, so can play alot of water sports. I can even take a ferry to a near island to walk around. Besides that, another island there got what bungee jumping, skiing, snow sports all that. The clubs in the university has more than 100+!!! Moreover, my hostel has just sent me an e-mail told me that there will be a picnic in the second week I arrive there!!! Wow......I just hope to be there immediately. Besides than playing, studying of course is the most important, because 1 of my friend said that I always only keep emphasizing on playing. Of course, since I am such a lazy and active guy, how can I talk about studying all the time? But honestly, studying is always the most important here, since the university ranking is that high. I think really have to work very hard. Going to study in this Uni is really tough, all the things made through online, even read my schedule!!!
Then of course have known some new friends there. Honestly, they really have some differences with the friends that I know before, but all of u are also my best friends, never forget u. U also ar!!!! But then my friend there has told me that my hostel is the furthest with the school, walking gotta be 15 minutes!!! Haiz... what can I do? Since it is the cheapest, no choice ar... just take it as exercise lo... or just imagine it.. the snow is falling, issac is walking on the street, with the thick jacket, and a muffler, so romantic... hahahaha... I think I have really think too much... Anyway, life there really seems amazing....

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Happy New Year!!!

First of all, need to greet u guys a very happy new year!!!! I know it might be very late, but since this few days I didn't post the blog to say it. So, doesn't matter la.. ok? On 31st of December 2006, I went out with Kelvin, Qiu Yi, and Amos to Starhill for counting down. When reaching over there, we went to sing K...k....K...k.... But don't know why, on that day met alot of Nilai people, include MeiLee who is gonna leave next week to US. The time has passed just very fast, but I still need to be here 1 more month to go. Then at GreenBox, met somebody I think I don't know at all, but he just kept saying that he knew me, then kept hugging me, and said that he is my Junior of my high school, I am so good, of course will also talk a few words with him... Haha... But really have no idea about what's his purpose? Wanna autumn my water(cau ngo shui)? Nevermind la... I also get used to it already.. hahaha....

Of course have sung for a few hours, happy because even though I was having sore throat and flu that time, but just feel like my voice is even better, quite sexy, hahaha.... Then of course was the countdown session, went out to Bukit Bintang there. But unfortunately, really too many people, and all just pushing each other, situation damn bad. And even got people fighting and picking purse there!!! DAMN!!! Finally Kelvin's handphone has been stolen. My Goodness, what a sad?

After that, just went to Qiu Yi's house for gambling. We are 'rich people' so play very much of money!!! A few millions will never be a problem (yat chin gei man, yau yu lang fan)hahaha.... Actually just using 1cent for 1 million, just like small kids playing millionaire, so stupid!!!! Finally, I drove them for supper about 5am. Then of course went back home be pig... Zzzz.....zzZzz.....

Hopefully next year can have a even more interesting countdown party, but I also looking forward to counting down in NZ. Hehehe... Maybe there will be another different atmosphere... Bb