Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Nothing much actually....Hehe.... Creating a blog just because of that shanna(that fat and old lady who speaks terrible cantonese) asked me to make it, since I also have nothing to do lo...... U know? My job here everyday are only sleeping, eating, watching drama..... before though can play badminton, but..........haiz............. fail finally........therefore, maybe making a blog is another activity for me to spend the time.....hehe..........Erm...... But dont know why, keep eating and sleeping everyday also never get fat!!!! Still maintaining my perfect body shape!!! Haiz... really don't understand why some people are fat(Shanna), having double chin(Mary), damn thin like only the skeleton(Amos), extremely small size(QIu Yi)....... I want also can't... haha......

So just make for fun la.... hehe.... but everyone passes by here 'bung ha chiong' some comments or what la... hehe.

* People who are mentioned above don't punch me wo.... hehe


Shanna said...

ah sei zai bao.
i know im fat la kei, will try harder to keep fit during this holiday. but ho, no need to SPREAD it to the world world la...wrote so many times shanna is fat in ur first post....

leng lui sam sam

Anonymous said...

hey never insult a woman's body size that straight forward. THEY will get very upset one

but u r really terrible lar. ppl say女人是水做的 but i would say we are made up of oil instead. what ever we eat, they will stay around our waist and buttocks. that's why i'm so FAT too nowadays T-T

let's exchange gender one day lar hah, if possible ^^

IsS@c said...

Haha... I am not insulting actually, I am using this way to encourage ur guys keep fit all the time, u have to understand me, this is called 'gek jiong fat'....

But don't exchange gender please, I don't want have any burden!!! As Mary says, this is burden, but not proud!!(But I think she is just lying to herself... Hehe